(Archived Event)

Rules Below


Blue 26 4
Green 20 7
HC + Rogue 16 10
Spicy 6 1
Grey 5 4
Remnant 0 11
  • 1 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 2 TBD

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 3 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 4 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 5 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 6 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 7 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 8 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 9 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 10 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 11 Green Squad Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 12 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 13 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 14 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 15 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 16 Spicy Squad Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 17 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 18 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 19 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 20 Blue Squad Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 21 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 22 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 23 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 24 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 25 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 26 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 27 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 28 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 29 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 30 HC + Rogue Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 31 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 32 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 33 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 34 Remnant Squad Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 35 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 36 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 37 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 38 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 39 Grey Squad Base

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 40 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 41 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 42 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 43 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 44 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 45 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 46 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 47 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 48 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 49 TBD

    Attack Grantedx1

Hex Anatomy


This is a "tabletop" style mixed event which will include Dogfight, Fleet Battle vs AI and Fleet Battles.

The "tabletop players" will be the six TRA squadrons (henceforth called teams):

  • Blue
  • Grey
  • Remnant
  • Green
  • Spicy
  • High Command + Rogue


Basics and Setup


  • The grid consists of 37 hex shaped cells, called "hexes".
  • The winner team is the one that has more hexes at the end of the event, or the team that manages to wipe out the other 5 teams.
  • Six cells are bases(11, 16, 20, 30, 34, 39), from which each team starts.
  • The only requirement to participate in this event is to be a member of TRA (RMT and HOT included). The TRA structure page has preference. (e.g. EvilGrin plays for High Command.)


  • We will all meet in a unique session to kick off the setup. Everyone is invited, Squadron Leaders or XOs must be present.
    1. The 31 non-base hexes will be assigned a game map by me (Scorer) using a dice roll bot (Dice Maiden).
    2. Squadron leaders (or XOs) roll dice to determine the turn order of the preparation phase.
    3. Once a turn order is determined, squadron leaders (or XOs) will take ownership of a base hex.
    4. Using the same turn order, squadron leaders can choose an additional hex to conquer for free, as long as it is adjacent to a currently owned hex. Repeat this until all squadrons have one hex base plus three additional hexes.
  • Once the game starts, turns become irrelevant. You can play simultaneous (i.e. no turns).

The Main Game

  • The game will use a single currency that allows attacks and defense of hexes. The currency is "Capital Ships" which will be known as CAPS.
  • Once the game begins, it will be divided into "Attack cycles".
  • All teams gain CAPS at the beginning of each cycle depending on the sum of CAPS indicated in the hexes they own at the moment.
  • To try and conquer a new hex, the team must invest 3 CAPS (equivalent to the two capital ships and flagship in-game). See specifics below for more info.
  • To conquer a new hex currently NOT owned by another tean, a Fleet Battle vs AI must be played.
  • To conquer a new hex currently owned by another tean, a Fleet Battle must be played between both teams.
  • Teams may play Dogfight matches to earn CAPS.


Attack Cycles

  • Attack Cycles change on Wednesdays and Sundays 18:00hrs UTC/GMT natural time.
  • If a team does not fly a single match in the current Attack cycle, they will not gain "Start of cycle CAPS".


  • Teams may only match against adjacent hexes in any mode.
  • To setup matches, squadron leaders (or XOs) must issue a challenge in #hex-challenges channel. Issuing a challenge may be previously agreed upon with the other teams to favor availability. (Remember we're friends!)
  • Defending team has 24 hours to play the challenge. Not responding a challenge (not playing) incurs in an automatic loss.
  • Only one challenge may be issued every 24 hours per team. That means a team may challenge all 5 other teams in a single day at maximum in any given mode.
  • 24 hour cycles also start and end at 18:00 UTC/GMT natural time.
  • Defending hex team always chooses faction. In case of base attacks, defending hex team also chooses map.
  • In any mode and in any match, teams may line-up any amount of pilots.
    (1v1, 1v2, 1v3, 1v4, 1v5, 2v2, 2v3, 2v4, 2v5, 3v3, 3v4, 3v5, 4v4, 4v5 and 5v5 are all allowed)

Winning a HEX

  • In order to win over a hex you must defeat all defending ship slots. If several teams defeat different slots, the team that gets the hex is the one that defeated the last slot. Plan carefully!
  • Once you have defeated an opponent, you take over the hex and invest additional CAPS to fill in the defending ship slots. You need to invest 3 CAPS per defense slot. If you have not enough CAPS, the system will be empty again.

CAPS usage

  • If a team challenges a hex, either versus AI or versus another team, the challenger can invest up to 3 CAPS.
  • However, if the team has not enough CAPS, or is willing to risk an attack using less CAPS, the following applies:
    • If a team invests 2 CAPS, they must set their capital ship and flagship shields and hulls at 0.6 using modifiers. Defending team remains at 1.0 of those modifiers.
    • If a team invests 1 CAPS, they must set their capital ship and flagship shields and hulls at 0.3 using modifiers. Defending team remains at 1.0 modifier.
    • A team MUST invest 1 CAPS at minimum and 3 CAPS maximum.
  • Only attacking team invests CAPS. Defending team do not lose CAPS while defending even if they lose the match.
  • If the attacking team wins the Fleet Battle without losing any capital ship, it retains the invested CAPS. This invested CAPS drop everytime a capital ship or flagship is destroyed. For example: If a team invests only one CAPS and loses a single frigate, that one CAPS is gone for good.

Game Modes

  • Fleet Battle vs AI can only occur versus empty hexes. Game must be set at Normal difficulty. Besides from "defender choosing faction", all other rules apply.
  • Fleet Battles are played between teams to gain control of hexes.
  • Dogfights may be played between teams to earn CAPS. Before playing, attacker must roll a die (using Dice Maiden Bot in #hex-general channel) to set the amount of CAPS both teams will throw in the bet pool. The die to roll should be sided according to the lower amount of both teams. (e.g. If Grey has 12 and RMT has 8, then the attacker rolls an 8 sided die) Winner takes all CAPS. Standard dogfight rules apply.


  • Before playing any game, the Squadron Leader (or XOs) must post their move on #hex-movements channel, including which mode they are playing, what hex they are attacking, which hex they are attacking from, and how many CAPS are being invested. (In case of a dogfight raid, also do the aforementioned die roll.)
  • When finishing the match, whoever posted the move must also report the outcome by replying to the original movement in the same channel, including how many capital ships (and flagship if applies) the attacking team lost.
  • I (Scorer) will then update the page and react with a rebel logo to indicate the outcome has been processed.
  • Please limit comments on #hex-movements and #hex-challenges channels to the bare minimum. (Make my life easier!) If you wish to comment or banter, please use the #hex-general channel.
  • Example movement: Blue Squadron attacks Green Squadron on hex 26, from hex 33 using 3 CAPS, Fleet Battle.
    Example result: Blue Squadron won the match, but lost 2 capital ships.
    Example movement: Spicy Squadron attacks AI on hex 22, from hex 30 using 2 CAPS, Fleet Battle vs AI.
    Example dogfight: Grey raids RMT on hex 31, from hex 39 to a dogfight raid, 4 CAPS each for a total of 8 in play.