(Archived Event)

Rules Below


Fig Team 47 7 0 8
Lime Team 38 7 2 19
Plum Team 22 7 0 9
  • 1 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 2 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 3 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 4 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 5 Pirate Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 6 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 7 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 8 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 9 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 10 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 11 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 12 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 13 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 14 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 15 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 16 Plum Team Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 17 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 18 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 19 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 20 Fig Team Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 21 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 22 Pirate Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 23 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 24 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 25 Death Star II

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 26 Sissubo

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 27 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 28 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 29 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 30 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 31 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 32 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 33 Yavin

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 34 Fostar Haven

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 35 Zavian Abyss

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 36 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 37 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 38 Nadiri Dockyards

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 39 Lime Team Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 40 Galitan

    Attack Grantedx1

  • 41 Pirate Base

    Attack Grantedx3

  • 42 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 43 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 44 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 45 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 46 Esseles

    Attack Grantedx2

  • 47 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 48 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

  • 49 TBD

    Attack Grantedx0

Hex Anatomy


This is a "tabletop" style mixed event (heavily inspired on RISK) which will include Dogfight, Fleet Battle vs AI and Fleet Battles in Star Wars Squadrons. It will also include dogfights and specific missions in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance which all must be played with default craft, default armament and HARD difficulty. In XWA do not modify missions in any way, and play with limited ammo and invulnerability OFF. Hard difficulty. Super Ace AI opponents. Top Ace AI allies. TFTC (TIE Fighter Total Conversion) is not playable as it buffs Imperial crafts, breaking balance.

XvT requires the installation of some extra missions. Detailed instructions on installation and files can be found here.

The "tabletop players" will be three teams:

  • Fig
  • Lime
  • Plum

Players must sign up in TRA discord server, #hex-signups channel. Once signups close, players will vote for whom should be team captain. The top three voted players will be captains, and they will make the official movement calls. Then, teams will be drafted from all signed up players by captains. And once three teams have been created, the teams will be randomly assigned to each captain.


Basics and Setup


  • The grid consists of 37 hexagon shaped cells, called "hexes".
  • The winner team is the one that has more hexes at the end of the event, or the team that manages to wipe out the other teams.
  • Three cells are bases (16, 20, and 39), from which each team starts.

The Main Game

  • The game will use a currency that allows attacks and defense of hexes. The currency is "Capital Ships" which will be known as CAPS.
  • Once the game begins, the total time of the event will be divided into "Attack cycles".
  • All teams gain CAPS at the beginning of each cycle depending on the sum of CAPS indicated in the hexes they own at the moment.
  • To try and conquer a new hex, the team must invest CAPS. See specifics below for more info.
  • Tech level will determine what ships and components can be used in Squadrons gameplay at any time. All teams start at tech level 1.


Attack Cycles

  • Attack Cycles change on Thursdays and Mondays 18:00hrs UTC/GMT natural time.
  • If a team does not fly a single match in the current Attack cycle, they will not gain "Start of cycle CAPS".


  • Teams may only match against adjacent hexes in any mode (except dogfights).
  • Pilots will use Discord role tags to find a game and play it at that moment.
  • Defending hex team always chooses faction. In case of base attacks, defending hex team also chooses map.
  • For pvp matches, you must play even teams. (1v1, 5v5, etc)
  • For pve matches, you can play with any team number, unless specified by hex type.
  • You can only issue one pvp challenge every day. (Day starts at Euro waking time and ends in Americas sleeping time). You may however, defend hex challenges without limit.
  • If challenges cannot be defended after 24 hours (no player available to fly defense), then the challenge expires with no consequence. After 2 expirations without consequences, an undefended challenge will give the challenger an auto-win. The 2 expirations reset every attack cycle.

Winning a HEX

  • In order to win over a hex you must defeat all defending ship slots. If several teams defeat different slots, the team that gets the hex is the one that defeated the last slot. Plan carefully!
  • Once you have defeated an opponent, you take over the hex and invest additional CAPS to fill in the defending ship slots. You need to invest 3 CAPS per defense slot. If you have not enough CAPS, the system will be empty again, with the defending ship slots restored.

CAPS usage

  • If a team challenges a hex, either versus AI or versus another team, including XvT and XWA, the challenger must invest 3 CAPS.
  • Only attacking team invests CAPS. Defending team do not lose CAPS while defending even if they lose the match.
  • If the attacking team wins the Fleet Battle without losing any capital ship, it retains the invested CAPS. This invested CAPS drop everytime a capital ship or flagship for the attacking team is destroyed. This also applies to the new XvT mission. For XWA, losing the mission will destroy the invested CAPS, draws will destroy one CAPS and victories will retain the 3 CAPS.
  • The idea behind CAPS is to simulate the two Nebulon Frigates and MC-75 or two Arquitens Cruisers and Star Destroyer.

Game Modes

  • To take an unoccupied standard Hex:

    Squadrons: Fleet Battle vs AI - Coop should be played (not Solo). Game must be set at Normal difficulty (not Easy). Attacker may choose faction, otherwise, Fleet Battles, standard rules apply.

    XvT: Players can choose any faction, all human players (max 4) must be of the same team vs AI. Draws count as losses, and will destroy one CAPS. Direct losses destroy all CAPS. Use the provided mission Frigate Duel - Malevolent vs. Endeavor in the corresponding penalty level.

    XWA: Players can choose any faction, all human players (max 4) must be of the same team vs AI. Draws count as losses, and will destroy one CAPS. Direct losses destroy all CAPS. Play 8P Complex 2 Team Classic Conflict with the corresponding penalty level condition applied.

  • To take a controlled hex by other team:

    Squadrons: Fleet Battles, standard rules.

    XvT: Play the new Fleet Battle mission. Defender chooses faction. CAPS lost by attacker follow Squadron rules. Play with Craft selection ON, Default Time and Neutral balance. Do not quit the mission if the attacking team capital ships can still be destroyed. The attacking team MUST win the mission to capture the hex. Mission draws and loses do not count for capturing the hex. For more information on ship possible loadouts, click here.

    XWA: Defender chooses faction. Draws count as victory for the hex defender team, but attacker lose 1 CAPS. Do not quit the mission if a draw is still possible.
    Two on Two - Alliance CRLs vs Imperial STRCKs (XWA)
    8P Complex 2 Team Classic Conflict (XWA)

    XvT and XWA will only be played if BOTH sides agree. If not, Squadrons is the default game.

  • To earn CAPS:

    You can challenge another team in a dogfight to earn CAPS. Teams can clash even if they have no shared boundary. Before playing, attacker team captain must roll a 1d4+1 die (using Dice Maiden Bot in #hex-dogfights channel) to set the amount of CAPS that could be earned. Winner takes the amount indicated in the die roll. Loser takes 1 CAPS. Dogfights no longer steal CAPS. Dogfights are part of the daily pvp limit rule, mentioned in matchmaking section.

    In order to cleanse the penalty value (explained below), the team must invest the amount of CAPS equal to the levels they wish to lower the penalty.

    Defender team chooses faction and map on SWS, ship in XvT and XWA.

    By default, dogfight is played in SWS. ONLY If an agreement is reached, then it can be played on other game.

    Squadrons: Dogfight with standard rules. 10 minutes duration.

    XvT and XWA alternatives: Any standard team melee with standard old days rules (lasers only, even teams, same ship, hard difficulty).

    RISK MODE: You can play Dogfights in risk mode, meaning you bet CAPS and winner takes all. This can be done ONLY if both sides agree. And you should roll a 1d4+current attack phase (In attack phase 3, this would be 1d4+3). If any of the teams do not have enough CAPS, then roll a die with the side of the maximum possible amount that can be bet. (If one team has only 3 CAPS, then roll a 1d3). In Risk mode, both teams get penalty cleansed without investing any extra CAPS.

  • If you have zero CAPS, you can earn up to 3 by playing any Squadrons Story mode mission at Ace difficulty.

    Streaming of the gameplay is required, with at least one opponent or Scorer watching

    The mission MUST be won at first try to earn 3 CAPS. Every time the pilot dies and a checkpoint is loaded, lowers the earned CAPS by one.

  • Penalty System:

    Every time you play a match vs AI (including pirate and tech missions), your Penalty will increase by one, up to 5. As mentioned earlier, to cleanse the effects of the Penalty and restore it to zero, you must play a dogfight vs another team.

    The following table defines the effects of Penalty level which apply ONLY when playing vs AI (PvE) in any mode.

    Lv. Squadrons XWA and XvT (Fleet Battle) XvT (Tech and Pirate)
    0 No effects Use Mission variation level 0
    1 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.8 Playing vs Scorer is mandatory (If mission is 8 players Coop, Scorer will fly a ship slot as observer) Use Mission variation level 1
    2 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.6 Playing vs Scorer is mandatory. Scorer can pick different craft. (If mission is 8 players Coop, Scorer will fly a ship slot as observer) Use Mission variation level 2
    3 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.4 Playing vs Scorer is mandatory. Scorer can pick different craft and loadout. (If mission is 8 players Coop, Scorer will fly a ship slot and will destroy one AI ally) Use Mission variation level 3
    4 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.4, Auxiliary and Countermeasure item count halved. Scorer has to fly as an ally, but will try to make you lose the mission with default craft and loadout. Use Mission variation level 4
    5 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.2, Auxiliary and Countermeasure item count halved. Scorer has to fly as an ally, but will try to make you lose the mission and can pick craft and loadout. Use Mission variation level 5

  • To control the Death Star II:

    In Squadrons you must play: Fleet Battles vs AI Coop as rebels, only one player vs normal (not easy) AI on Esseles. A spectator from an opposing team is required.

    In XvT you must play: Rogue Squadron Attacks ISD Dominance as rebel, using the new missions provided.

    In XWA you must play 8P Complex CO-OP Attack on ISD as rebel.

    In all games, the objective is to destroy the ISD. Once the hex is controlled, the Death Star will charge weapons for two days, at the end of this period it can fire to any desired system and destroy all CAPS defending, effectively removing one Hex from any opposing team. The other teams can also play the same mission within the charge period to negate it and acquire control of the Death Star. Every time the Death Star is charging up and a team tries to negate the shot, a harder version of the mission will be flown:

    Level Squadrons XvT XWA
    0 No modifier Play mission variation 0 No modifier
    1 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.9 Play mission variation 1 Playing with Scorer is mandatory, Scorer will fly an ally ship slot as observer.
    2 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.8 Play mission variation 2 Playing with Scorer is mandatory. Scorer will fly an ally ship slot and will destroy one AI ally
    3 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.7 Play mission variation 3 Playing with Scorer is mandatory. Scorer will fly an ally ship slot and will destroy one player ally.
    4 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.6 Play mission variation 4 Playing with Scorer is mandatory. Scorer will fly an ally ship slot and will try to make you lose the mission.
    5 Attacker Player Craft Shields and/or Hull Mod 0.5 Play mission variation 5 Playing with Scorer is mandatory. Scorer will fly an ally ship slot and will try to make you lose the mission and can pick craft and loadout.

    The firing team loses control of Death Star after using the blast. Once the blast has occured, the difficulty level resets back to zero.

    This is the only Hex in the game that does not require CAPS to fill DEF slot. Invested CAPS may still be lost as per usual.

  • To control a Pirate Hex:

    In XvT you must play the provided Ambush Arms Smugglers near Ytha'ac Cluster as Imperial and win the mission.

    In XWA you must play 4P Simple 2 Team Pirate Meeting Engagement in Team 1.

    Pirate hexes must be defended daily by playing the provided Hit and Fade on Elliirad Platform mission as Imperials in XvT or 4P Simple 2 Team Pirate Meeting Engagement in XWA as Team 2. If a team defends for 3 consecutive days, the hex will belong to them for the rest of the event, not even Death Star II can remove ownership. Both initial attack, and defending attacks follow penalty system.

    PvP can be played to take over an enemy controlled pirate hex in the aforementioned missions. PvPs are not affected by Penalty, therefore, play the vanilla built-in mission for Ambush Arms Smugglers near Ytha'ac Cluster; attacker as Imperial, and defending team as Rebel. And in XWA 4P Simple 2 Team Pirate Meeting Engagement attacker in Team 1 and defender in Team 2.

    The CAPS that the Hex provide increase as they get defended up to 3, and reset back to 1 if the hex is retaken by pirates or by another team. This is relevant if Attack cycle ends while Pirate Hex possession is still midway.

  • To earn Tech you must attack designated Tech hexes:

    In XvT playing as rebel the provided mission: Attack on Imperial Factory Drekker using the corresponding variation due to penalty level. To get the tech, you need to destroy the factory, even with a draw.

    In XWA play as Imperial 4P Complex 2 Team Factory Flashpoint. To get the tech you need to win the mission.

    The amount of Tech that each Hex gives is secret, but fixed. It is also in the same relative position to each team.

    Please note that once a Tech Hex has been conquered and its tech absorbed, the Hex will convert into a standard Hex.

Tech tree

Lv. Unlocked ships Unlocked Primaries Unlocked Auxiliaries Unlocked Shields and Hulls Unlocked Engines
1 X-Wings, TIE Fighters Laser Cannon Concussion Missile, Proton Torpedo Standard Deflector Shield, Ferroceramic Hull Sublight Engine/Twin Ion Engine
2 A-Wing, TIE Interceptor Rapid Fire Cannon Seeker Mine, Countermeasures none Unstable Engine
3 none Ion Cannon Ion Torpedo, Rockets, Ion Rockets Nimble Deflector, Fortified Deflector, Light Hull, Reinforced Hull Microthrust Engine
4 U-Wing, TIE Reaper Auto-Aim Cannon Tractor Beam, Tactical Shield, Rocket Turret, Supply Droid Conversion Shield, Dampener Hull SLAM Engine
5 Y-Wing, TIE Bomber Guided Burst Cannon, Guided Rotary Cannon Beam Cannon, Proton Bomb, Ion Bomb, Cluster Missile Resonant Shield, Ray Shield, Laminasteel Hull Propulsion Engine, Thrust Engine
6 none Burst Cannon, Rotary Cannon Multi-Lock Missile, Repair Kit, Squadron Mask, Goliath Missile Overloaded Shield ION Jet / Quadex Engine
7 Everything in Squadrons is unlocked

Wandering Troublemaker

  • A wandering troublemaker will randomly attack an occupied Hex once every Attack cycle. The time of attack will be announced with one-hour notice (expect it to be on Scorer's free time.)
  • A die will be rolled to determine which of the three teams gets attacked. Then Scorer will fly a fleet battle versus whomever can defend. Scorer ship gets a Shield/Hull/Aux/CM multiplier equal to the opponents defending. (3 opponents, then modifiers are 3.0)
  • If no one can defend, Scorer will fly 1v5 versus Easy AI.
  • The attack will drain whatever capital ships Scorer can destroy from the team CAPS total. If the team has no available CAPS, then they will be drained from the attacked Hex. If the Hex has not enough CAPS, then the BASE gets them deducted. If all fails, then they will get randomly drained.
  • Starting the second attack cycle and on, the previous attacked team will not be eligible, therefore, only rolling a die for the remaining two teams that were not attacked in the immediate last cycle.
  • Therefore, the more hexes you own, the more likely you will receive this attack.


  • Before playing any game, the team captain, XO or third in command must post their move on the corresponding channel, including which game and mode they are playing, what hex they are attacking, which hex they are attacking from, and in the case of dogfights, how many CAPS are being played for or bet (this also requires the die roll).
  • When finishing the match, whoever posted the move must also report the outcome by replying to the original movement in the same discord channel. Include the name of all the players who flew that match from both teams. Also post a screenshot in the #hex-ss channel.

    If playing Squadrons or XvT Fleet Battles, include how many capital ships (and flagship if applies) the attacking team lost.
  • I (Scorer) will then update the page and react with a rebel logo to indicate the outcome has been processed.
  • Please limit comments on movements channels to the bare minimum. (Make my life easier!) If you wish to comment or banter, please use the #hex-general channel.

Teams Roster

  • Fig Team
  • Team Captain
  • Team XO
  • Third in Command
  • EvilGrin
  • Genie
  • Kuki
  • LeaphChausew
  • mikesk8s
  • TK9274
  • Toad
  • TomateC
  • Lime Team
  • Team Captain
  • Team XO
  • Third in Command
  • Dathka
  • DecoyTango/EV02AAA
  • EvilEdgar
  • LandoRasputin
  • Miles Prower
  • Nejaa Halcyon
  • NomadWarrior
  • Sharper
  • TheBlackxRanger
  • Plum Team
  • Team Captain
  • Team XO
  • Third in Command
  • B0baFreakinFett
  • Dax
  • Ender
  • Mitharan
  • Raven419
  • Satake
  • Silwar Naiilo
  • TheRahlForge
  • Twigs