Rules Below
1 Pirate Base
2 Pirate Base
3 Sissubo
4 Yavin
5 Esseles
6 Pirate Base
7 Pirate Base
8 Yavin
9 Fostar Haven
10 Pirate Base
11 Zavian Abyss
12 Neptune Team Base
13 Galitan
14 Yavin
15 Galitan
16 Nadiri Dockyards
17 Sissubo
18 Galitan
19 Esseles
Tech +?x2
20 Nadiri Dockyards
21 Fostar Haven
22 Esseles
23 Venus Team Base
24 Zavian Abyss
25 Death Star II
Level 5x0
26 Nadiri Dockyards
27 Pirate Base
28 Sissubo
29 Yavin
30 Zavian Abyss
31 Pirate Base
32 Fostar Haven
33 Mars Team Base
34 Zavian Abyss
35 Yavin
36 Pirate Base
37 Sissubo
38 Fostar Haven
39 Nadiri Dockyards
40 Galitan
41 Esseles
42 Pirate Base
43 Pirate Base
44 Pirate Base
45 Pirate Base
46 Yavin
47 Pirate Base
48 Pirate Base
49 Pirate Base

Quick Links
Rules Navigation
This is a "tabletop" style mixed event (heavily inspired on RISK) which will include Dogfight, Fleet Battle vs AI and Fleet Battles in Star Wars Squadrons. It will also include Dogfights, Fleet Battles, and specific missions in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. And for the first time in non-Xmas Hex, Dogfights, and Cargo Transfers in Elite Dangerous.
You are NOT personally required to play all games.
For XvT (unless specified otherwise) play with default craft, default armament and HARD difficulty. XvT requires the installation of some extra missions. Detailed instructions on installation and files can be found here.
For Elite Dangerous, play on Horizons: Open Play (not Horizons Legacy). Hex players cannot use their own fleet carriers for any purpose.
The "tabletop players" will be three teams:
- Venus
- Mars
- Neptune
Players must sign up in TRA discord server, #hex-signups
channel. Once signups close, players will vote for whom should be team captain. The only requirement for being eligible is to have played The Hex before. The top three voted players will be captains, and they will make the official movement calls. Then, teams will be drafted from all signed up players by captains. And once three teams have been created, the teams will be randomly assigned to each captain.
Basics and Setup
- The grid consists of 37 hexagon shaped cells, called "hexes".
- The winning team is the one that has more hexes at the end of the event, or the team that manages to wipe out the other teams, if that happens first.
- Three cells are bases (12, 23, and 33), from which each team starts.
The Main Game
- The game will use a currency that allows attacks and defense of hexes. The currency is "Capital Ships" which will henceforth be known as CAPS.
- Once the game begins, the total time of the event will be divided into "Attack cycles".
- All teams gain CAPS at the beginning of each cycle depending on the sum of CAPS indicated in the hexes they own at the moment.
- To try and conquer a new hex, the team must invest CAPS. See specifics below for more info.
- Tech level will determine what ships and components can be used in Squadrons gameplay at any time. All teams start at tech level 1.
Attack Cycles
- Attack Cycles change on Thursdays and Mondays 18:00hrs UTC/GMT natural time.
- If a team does not fly a single match in the current Attack cycle, they will not gain "Start of cycle CAPS" at the start of the next Attack Cycle.
- Teams may only match against adjacent hexes in any mode (except dogfights).
- Pilots will use Discord channels to communicate and setup matches.
- Defending hex team always chooses faction. In case of base attacks, defending hex team also chooses map.
- For pvp matches, you must play even teams. (1v1, 5v5, etc)
- For pve matches, you can play with any number of players, unless specified by hex type.
- You can only issue one pvp challenge every day. (the day changes at 6 a.m. UTC). You may however, defend hex challenges without limit. For this purpose, matches versus The Grinch team count as pve, including dogfights vs Grinch.
- If multiple challenges overlap or are connected somehow, and the outcome is critical to the next challenge made, then challenges should be played and resolved in the order they were issued. Any unforeseen problem that arises from this ruling will be solved by Scorer.
- If challenges cannot be defended after 24 hours (no player available to fly defense), then the challenge expires with no consequence. Teams are only allowed 2 consequence-free expirations for the entire Hex event. Additional expired challenges will result in an auto-win for the challenger.
Winning a HEX
- In order to win over a hex you must defeat all defending ship slots. If several teams defeat different slots, the team that gets the hex is the one that defeats the last slot. Plan carefully! Yes, this kind of last minute snatches have already happened!
- Once you have defeated an opponent, you take over the hex and invest additional CAPS to fill in the defending ship slots. You need to invest 3 CAPS per defense slot. If you have not enough CAPS, the system will be empty again, with the defending ship slots restored.
CAPS usage
- If a team challenges a hex, either versus AI or versus another team, including XvT, the challenger must invest 3 CAPS.
- Only the attacking team has to invest CAPS. The defending team does not lose CAPS while defending. Not even when they lose the match.
- If the attacking team wins the Fleet Battle without losing any capital ship, it retains the invested CAPS. This invested CAPS drop everytime a capital ship or flagship for the attacking team is destroyed. This also applies to the new XvT fleet battle missions.
- For any mode that does not specify CAPS usage explicitly, losing the mission will destroy the invested CAPS, draws will destroy one CAPS and victories will retain the 3 CAPS.
- The idea behind CAPS is to simulate the two Nebulon Frigates and MC-75 or two Arquitens Cruisers and Star Destroyer from Squadrons.
- CAPS amount has a maximum of 30.
Game Modes
The Grinch is back!
- The Grinch is still sore from his defeat, and he is looking for revenge! These are the tricks he has been working on with his pal Max:
Wandering Grinch Troublemaker
- The Grinch will randomly attack an occupied Hex once every Attack cycle. The time of attack will be announced with one-hour notice (expect it to be on the Grinch's free time.)
- A die will be rolled to determine which of the three teams gets attacked. Then The Grinch team will fly a fleet battle versus whomever can defend. The Grinch troublemaker attacks will use the Grinch Level modifiers, explained below.
- If no one can defend, The Grinch team will fly versus Easy AI using the Grinch Level modifiers.
- XvT is also available. Check details on the Grinch Level modifiers explained below.
- The attack will drain whatever capital ships The Grinch can destroy from the team CAPS pool total. If the team has no available CAPS in the pool, then one DEF slot will be drained from the attacked Hex. If is the last DEF slot, then the atacked team has the option to drain one DEF slot from the BASE instead. If there is no BASE available or it has only one DEF left, then it will get drained from a randomly selected Hex from that team that has more than one DEF slot. If all fails, then the attacked Hex loses ownership.
- Starting the second attack cycle and on, the previous attacked team will not be eligible, therefore, only rolling a die for the remaining two teams that were not attacked in the immediate last cycle.
- Therefore, the more hexes you own, the more likely you will receive this attack.
Grinch Hexes
- The Grinch hexes will surround the Death Star II. To attack a Grinch Hex you can challenge a 1v1 or 2v2 Fleet Battle in Squadrons or XvT, but using the Grinch Level modifiers explained below.
Grinch Dogfight
- Grinch Dogfight in Elite Dangerous will be used to reduce Grinch level.
- The Grinch will randomly spawn at the
HR 4734
compromised Nav Beacon in Open Play. There will be a one-hour notice beforehand. - Grinch can be engaged 1v1 by other players. So if 3 players want to challenge the Grinch at one spawn moment, queue up and wait your turn. The Grinch will not repair or rearm at stations between battles nor between spawns. Nor will he flee.
- Grinch dogfight time has a maximum of 1 hour. It may end earlier if opponents are over or if the Grinch is destroyed.
- Everytime the Grinch ship is destroyed, the Grinch difficulty level will drop by one. The Grinch has no means to restore his level back up.
Grinch Difficulty Table
- These are the modifiers that The Grinch will have while defending his hexes in Fleet Battles, and during wandering troublemaker attacks.
Level | Squadrons | XvT |
10 | Grinch ship mods: 5.0, Enemy mods: 0.1 | Grinch can do anything. Opponent should fly default craft (TF/XW) with no warheads or countermeasures. |
9 | Grinch ship mods: 4.5, Enemy mods: 0.2 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets on GUN or BW. Opponent should fly default craft (TF/XW) with no warheads or countermeasures. |
8 | Grinch ship mods: 4.0, Enemy mods: 0.3 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets on GUN or BW. Opponent can choose ship, without warheads or countermeasures. |
7 | Grinch ship mods: 3.5, Enemy mods: 0.4 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets. Opponent can choose ship, without warheads or countermeasures. |
6 | Grinch ship mods: 3.0, Enemy mods: 0.5 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets, and TIE Advanced. Opponent can either choose default ship with warheads and countermeasures; OR choose ship, without warheads or countermeasures. |
5 | Grinch ship mods: 2.5, Enemy mods: 0.6 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets, and TIE Advanced. Opponent can choose ship with warheads and countermeasures. |
4 | Grinch ship mods: 2.0, Enemy mods: 0.7 | Grinch can select anything except Heavy Rockets, Advanced Torpedoes and TIE Advanced. Opponent can choose ship with warheads and countermeasures. |
3 | Grinch ship mods: 1.5, Enemy mods: 0.8 | Grinch can select any ship with missiles only, except TIE Advanced. Opponent can choose ship with warheads and countermeasures. |
2 | Grinch ship mods: 1.0, Enemy mods: 0.9 | Grinch can select any ship lasers only, except TIE Advanced. Opponent can choose ship with warheads and countermeasures. |
1 | Grinch ship mods: 1.0, Enemy mods: 1.0 | Grinch can only fly default craft, lasers only. Opponent can choose ship with warheads and countermeasures. |
- Before playing any game, the team captain, XO or third in command must post their move on the corresponding channel, including which game and mode they are playing, what hex they are attacking, which hex they are attacking from, and in the case of dogfights, how many CAPS are being played for or bet (this also requires the die roll).
- When finishing the match, whoever posted the move must also report the outcome by replying to the original movement in the same discord channel. Include the name of all the players who flew that match from both teams. Also post a screenshot in the
If playing Squadrons or XvT Fleet Battles, include how many capital ships (and flagship if applies) the attacking team lost. - I (Scorer) will then update the page and react with a rebel logo to indicate the outcome has been processed.
- Please limit comments on movements channels to the bare minimum. (Make my life easier!) If you wish to comment or banter, please use the
Teams Roster
Venus Team
Team Captain
DecoyTangoTeam XO
DaxThird in Command
BillyKeyStrokes- CyclesLogix
- Evil_Edgar
- Intrepid 169
- J.Silence
- Liberty1776
- Rebelpilot
- WarperJawa
Mars Team
Team Captain
B0baFreakinFettTeam XO
TwigsThird in Command
Ghost- Ishdee
- Nejaa
- paddybatman
- Phoenix_2
- Schneeflockchen
- TK9274
- Toad
- ViperDriver
Neptune Team
Team Captain
SharperTeam XO
MitharanThird in Command
RahlForge- BarneyStinson
- Carrion
- EvilGrin
- Kuki
- LeaphChausew
- NomadWarrior
- TheBlackxRanger
- VikingWarrior
The Grinch
The Grinch
Game Movement Log
- Attack Cycle 1 | June 10th
- Day 1
- Grinch spawned, taking 5 victories and no loss.
- Mars takes +1 Tech from Hex 46, which they then take over. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Neptune takes over Hex 5. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Neptune takes +1 Tech from Hex 14, which they then take over. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Venus takes +1 Tech from Hex 8, which they then take over. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Venus takes over Hex 15. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus fails to take over Tech at Hex 29. -3 CAPS. +1 Penalty.
- Neptune takes over Hex 21. Lost 2 CAPS in battle. -6 CAPS. +1 Penalty.
- Day 2
- Mars took over 41. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus beat Neptune in Risk Dogfight for 1 CAPS. All penalties cleansed.
- Mars beat Neptune in non-Risk Dogfight for 4 CAPS. Penalties cleared.
- Venus takes over Hex 9. -6 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Troublemaker drains 3 CAPS from Mars!
- The Grinch was beaten twice! Grinch level is now 8!
- Mars takes +2 Tech from Hex 35, which they then take over, -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus grabs 3 CAPS from Story mode.
- Neptune grabs 1 CAPS from Story mode.
- The Grinch was beaten once! Grinch level is now 7!
- Day 3
- Mars takes over Hex 28. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty
- Mars wins dogfight over Venus. +4 CAPS for Mars, +1 CAPS for Venus. All penalties cleared.
- Venus takes over Hex 3. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus earns 3 CAPS in story mode.
- Neptune earns 3 CAPS in story mode.
- Neptune takes +2 Tech from Hex 4, which they then take over. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- The Grinch becomes the new Pirate Overlord!
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 2 | June 13th
- Day 1
- The Grinch has lost 3 levels and is now on 4!
- Mars takes over Hex 38. -6 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Mars takes over Hex 37. -6 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Neptune takes over Hex 11. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Neptune takes over Hex 20. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Mars uses their "-1 Penalty" bonus.
- Mars takes +2 Tech from Hex 29, which they then take over. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus takes over Hex 30. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus takes Pirate Hex 10 from The Grinch. -3 CAPS.
- Venus defends 1/3 Hex 10. +1 Penalty.
- Neptune beats Venus in Dogfight safe mode for 3 CAPS. All Penalties cleared.
- Day 2
- Venus fails to win Grinch Hex 24. 3 CAPS lost.
- Neptune takes Pirate Hex 27 from The Grinch. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune defends 1/3 Hex 27. +1 Penalty.
- Neptune takes over Hex 34. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus completes a cargo run!
- Neptune completes a cargo run!
- Day 3
- Venus grabs +2 Tech from Grinch Hex 17. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- Venus defends Pirate Hex 10 2/3.
- Neptune beats Venus in no-risk dogfight for 2 CAPS. All penalties cleansed!
- Venus takes over Pirate Hex 31! -3 CAPS.
- Venus fails to take Hex 32. -3 CAPS.
- Venus grabs 2 CAPS from story mode!
- Neptune defends Pirate Hex 27 3/3!
- Day 4
- Venus fails to take Hex 32. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune takes 2 CAPS in story mode!
- Venus defends Pirate Hex 10 3/3!
- Venus defends Pirate Hex 31 1/3.
- Venus completes a cargo run!
- Venus grabs +2 Tech from Grinch Hex 32. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- Venus wins a no-risk Dogfight over Mars for 4 CAPS. All Penalties cleared.
- Neptune wins a no-risk Dogfight over Venus for 5 CAPS. All Penalties cleared.
- Troublemaker Attack 2 on Neptune Hex 4! Neptune loses 3 CAPS.
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 3 | June 17th
- Day 1
- Mars fails to take Grinch Hex 32, 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars takes over Hex 39. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus fails to defend Pirate Hex. +1 Penalty.
- Venus fails to take Hex 16 in a draw. -1 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Venus defends Pirate Hex 31 2/3.
- Venus completes a cargo transfer!
- Venus takes Hex 32 from Grinch completely. 2 CAPS lost in battle. +6 CAPS for DEF slots.
- The Grinch raises Death Star level to 1!
- Day 2
- Venus defends Mars attack on Hex 30.
- Neptune beats Venus in a no-risk dogfight for 4 CAPS. All penalties cleansed.
- Neptune fails to conquer the Grinch Hex 19.
- Venus defends Pirate Hex 31 3/3.
- Neptune takes +1 Tech from Grinch Hex 18. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- Neptune fails to take Hex 18. 3 CAPS lost.
- Venus moves 3 CAPS from Hex 9 to their pool.
- Venus completes a cargo transfer!
- Venus transfers 3 CAPS from pool to Hex 22.
- Venus completes a cargo transfer!
- Neptune takes over Hex 18 from Grinch. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- The Grinch raises Death Star level to 2!
- Neptune transfers 3 CAPS from Hex 12 to pool.
- Venus fails to take Grinch Hex 24.
- Day 3
- Neptune fails to take Hex 26.
- Mars fails to take Hex 26.
- Venus takes Hex 16. -3 CAPS, +1 Penalty.
- Neptune wins 3 CAPS in no-risk mode versus Venus
- Venus moves 3 CAPS from pool into Hex 9.
- Neptune grabs +1 Tech from Grinch Hex 26. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- Neptune takes over Hex 26. 6 CAPS deducted to fill DEF slots.
- Grinch failed to take Death Star!
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 4 | June 20th
- Day 1
- Mars takes over Neptune Hex 34.
- Venus completes a cargo run!
- Day 2
- Venus completes a cargo run!
- Venus fails to take Grinch Hex 17. 2 CAPS lost.
- Neptune failed to take over Grinch Hex 19.
- Venus takes over Hex 17
- Venus conquers Hex 24, but has not enough CAPS to fill DEF slot.
- Day 3
- Neptune fails to take Death Star! 3 CAPS lost.
- Neptune fails to take Death Star! 3 CAPS lost.
- Venus completes a cargo transfer!
- Day 4
- Mars takes over Venus Hex 30
- Venus fails to take Hex 24
- Venus defeats Neptune in no-risk mode dogfight for 5 CAPS.
- Mars takes over Hex 24. -6 CAPS. +2 Penalty.
- Neptune fails to take over Hex 19. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune fails to take over Hex 19. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune fails to take over Hex 19. -3 CAPS.
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 5 | June 24th
- Day 1
- Neptune defeats one DEF slot in Hex 19.
- Venus takes over Hex 29. 2 CAPS lost in battle.
- Day 2
- Mars wins a no-risk dogfight versus Neptune for 3 CAPS. All penalty cleansed.
- The Grinch has been destroyed and dropped to Level 1! Neptune gets a prize
- The Grinch fails to get the Death Star, again!
- Mars takes over the Death Star!
- Mars fails to get Grinch Hex 19. 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars fails to get Grinch Hex 19. 3 CAPS lost.
- Neptune fails to take Hex 19.
- Neptune takes over Hex 19. 2 CAPS lost in battle. -6 CAPS.
- Day 3
- Troublemaker drains 3 CAPS from Neptune.
- Mars fails to take Neptune Hex 19. 2 CAPS lost.
- Venus fails to take Neptune Hex 11. 2 CAPS lost.
- Venus fails to take Death Star!
- Venus fails to take Death Star!
- The Death Star fires on Hex 23!
- Mars defeats one DEF slot in Hex 23
- Mars defeats one DEF slot in Hex 23
- Neptune wins a no-risk dogfight vs Venus for 3 CAPS. All penalties cleared.
- Venus snipes the last slot in Hex 23!!!
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 6 | June 27th
- Day 1
- Troublemaker attacks Venus Hex 9 and gets 3 CAPS!
- Mars beats Neptune in no-risk dogfight for 5 CAPS.
- Neptune takes over Hex 34. -5 CAPS.
- Neptune fails to take Hex 3 from Venus. 3 CAPS lost.
- Death Star has been taken by Mars! DS Level is now 1!
- Day 2
- The Death Star attacks Hex 23!
- Mars takes over Hex 23. -9 CAPS. +3 Penalty.
- Neptune wins a no-risk dogfight vs Mars for 2 CAPS. All penalties removed.
- Mars fails twice to get the Death Star!
- Day 3
- Death Star has been taken by Mars! DS Level is now 1!
- Neptune fails to take over Death Star. -3 CAPS
- Neptune fails to take over Death Star. -3 CAPS
- Day 4
- Neptune fails to take over Death Star. -3 CAPS.
- Mars fires the Death Star at Hex 34!
- Mars takes over Hex 34. -3 CAPS. +1 Penalty.
- Death Star has been taken by Neptune! DS Level is now 2! (Played at level 1)
- Day 1
- Attack Cycle 7 | July 1st
- Day 1
- Mars defends Troublemaker attack with no loses!
- Venus defends Troublemaker attack with 6 CAPS lost.
- Neptune defends Troublemaker attack with 6 CAPS lost.
- Venus fails to take Hex 4 from Neptune. 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars fails to take Death Star. 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars gets a hold of the Death Star from Neptune!
- Venus fails to take Mars Hex 37. -3 CAPS.
- Day 2
- Death Star destroys Hex 26! DS II level is 0.
- Neptune atacks twice Hex 26. -6 CAPS, +2 Penalty.
- Neptune fails to take Mars Hex 28!
- Mars fails to take Death Star at level 2!
- Mars takes over Death Star! DS II is now level 3!
- Day 3
- Venus fails to take Death Star twice! -6 CAPS.
- Neptune fails to take Venus Hex 3. -3 CAPS.
- Venus takes over Mars Hex 37. 2 CAPS lost in battle. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune fails to take Death Star. -3 CAPS.
- Neptune takes over Death Star! DS II is at level 5!
- Mars fails to take Death Star! 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars fails to take Death Star! 3 CAPS lost.
- Mars takes over the Death Star!
- Death Star fires at Hex 12!
- Mars team wins the HEX!
- Day 1